Are you a formal or non-formal educator? Are you looking for activities, training and learning resources to bring the EU closer to your students in an interactive way? Discover the programmes and opportunities designed for you and your students.

Results found:18


Target age From 14 - To 30 years Location Online Language(s) All languages

Discover interactive learning resources to provide you with tools to teach about the European Union in a playful way.

Read more about educational materials

The Digital Journey to the European Parliament

Target age All ages Location Online Language(s) All languages

Discover the European Parliament in 360°, meet the Members of the European Parliament for a day and have your own adventure through European history. From wherever you are. Whenever you want. Get started today!

Read more about the Digital Journey to the European Parliament

Youth Seminars

Target age From 16 - To 26 years Location Onsite Language(s) DE, EN, FR Funded project Funding
Learn more about the European Parliament, debate important issues with other young Europeans and present your solutions to a Member of the European Parliament.
Request a seminar!


Target age From 14 - To 18 years Location Onsite Language(s) DE, EN, ES, FR, IT Funded project Funding

This event brings high-school students - and teachers! - together in Strasbourg to discuss Europe’s important issues just like Members of the European Parliament do. For the moment, the project can only be enjoyed fully online.

Read more about Euroscola and how you can take part

European School Education platform

Target age Minimum 18 years Location Online, Onsite Language(s) All languages

Find schools to team up with, teachers you can share your experiences with, seminars and much more information provided by European networks.

Join the European School Education platform


Target age All ages Location Online Language(s) All languages

The European Parliament offers a wide selection of sponsorships to enable everyone to take part in our events. Check out the requirements and start planning your next European adventure with the help of the Parliament!

Read more about funding


Target age From 14 - To 18 years Location Onsite Language(s) All languages

What would your students do if they were Members of the European Parliament for one day? Secondary school students can visit Brussels and Strasbourg and take a crash course in how European laws are made.

Take part in the Role Play Game


Target age From 14 - To 18 years Location Onsite Language(s) All languages

Bring European democracy directly into your classroom with, interactive educational material, games, training andactivities to help your students to learn more about the European Union and how to engage with the Parliament, its Members and participate in democracy.

Make your school an engaged, connected hub of European democracy today, gain the status of an Ambassador School and form long-term links with the Parliament and other Ambassador Schools across Europe.

Take part in EPAS
A group of young people during the European Youth Event


Target age All ages Location Online Language(s) All languages

Got a vision for the future of Europe? On this platform you can outline your own ideas on how to tackle the issues within Europe today and to prepare for the challenges of the Europe of tomorrow.

Explore all ideas and share yours


Target age All ages Location Online Language(s) All languages

Do you want to connect with other educators and have access to events and training opportunities to help you bring the European Union closer to young people? Join the community, have a say in the future of the European Union.

Join the community!
European Youth Event 2014 in Strasbourg - Yo!Fest - EYE


Target age From 16 - To 30 years Location Onsite Language(s) DE, EN, ES, FR, IT, PL Funded project Funding

Would you like to enjoy a lifetime experience with your students or youth team? Would you be interested in organising an activity or workshop? Come to Strasbourg and join the EYE. Do not miss the EYE calls to help you financially.

Take part in the EYE

Online Youth Talks

Target age From 16 - To 26 years Location Online Language(s) All languages
Connect with your group from wherever you are and have all your questions about the European Parliament answered.
Take part in the Online Youth Talks


Target age All ages Location Online Language(s) EN

Participate in the EYE online sessions and encourage your students to share their ideas about Europe with decision-makers, activists, influencers and other young citizens like them.

Learn more about EYE Online


Target age All ages Location Onsite Language(s) All languages

The European Parliament is everyone's home.If you come to Brussels, Strasbourg or Luxembourg, visit some of the most emblematic places such as the Hemicycle, the House of European History or the Parlamentarium. And there is more!

Visit the European Parliament


Target age All ages Location Onsite and Online Language(s) DE, EN, FR, NL

Come to the House of European History with your students! Discover with them our exhibitions and activitities while learning the role that history plays in our world.

Check out how to visit the House of European History

Virtual Role Play Game

Target age Minimum 14 years Location Online Language(s) All languages

Students can take a seat in the European Parliament and experience the decision-making process directly from their classroom or community through this online game. A facilitator's guide is available in 24 languages.

Play and learn about European Democracy with the new Virtual Role Play Game!

Youth and the EU - Survey

Target age All ages Location Online Language(s) EN

Discover what young Europeans think about the EU

Learn more about the youth survey


Target age From 16 - To 30 years Location Online Language(s) All languages

Ever heard about Erasmus+ or the European Solidarity Corps? Want to discover more youth opportunities offered by other EU institutions? Visit the Youth Portal, an initiative of the European Commission and learn more.

Discover more youth opportunities