Euroscola FAQ

If you do not find your answers, we are always happy to help you. But first, we invite you to check this page!

  1. Any school of the European Union and/or from an applicant country or former Member State is eligible to participate at the program. The pupils should at least be 14 years of age on the date of the visit and be enrolled in a secondary school.

  2. The Euroscola Team (part of the Visitors and Citizens Liaison Unit, Directorate-General for Communication) is responsible for the organisation of the Euroscola events, following the selection of classes by EP Liaison Offices across Members States. Teachers who accompany the classes to the Euroscola event have preparatory meetings and are provided with the opportunity to network with their colleagues from other countries.

  3. The selection procedure is organised by the European Parliament Liaison Offices in the relevant country. Please enter in contact with your Liaison offices for more information. The European Parliament has Liaison Offices (EPLOs) all across the Member States and in the UK. Please find more information under this link. For applicant countries, please contact the Euroscola team.

  4. The Euroscola Team will get in touch with the contact person of each selected schools/class to explain the registration procedure.  

  5. The Parliament offers participating schools a financial contribution to cover their travel and accommodation costs. The exact amount of the contribution depends on a number of different factors and may not cover all the costs. Schools are responsible for making their own travel arrangements.

    The details and procedure for the financial contribution are sent by the Euroscola team once the school has been selected by the EP Liaison Offices.

  6. The participants may speak in French, German, Italian, Spanish and English and can listen into French, German and English. We invite all the participants to try to speak in different languages during the programme and they can of course take the floor in the language they are the most comfortable with.

  7. The participants may enter the premises from 8:15 am at the Louise Weiss building (Allée du Printemps, 67070 Strasbourg). The programme starts at 10:00 am and ends at 4:30 pm. The students will dialogue with a Member of the European Parliament as well as an expert in the field depending on the day’s programme. The morning session is a hybrid format, open to both on-site and online participants. The afternoon program, for on-site participants only, is centred on the simulation of the work of a Member of the European Parliament.

  8. According to the governing rules, participants must be resident in a Member State, applicant country or former Member State. Participation is also open to third-country nationals who fulfil the previous residency criteria.

  9. One local journalist per school/national group is authorised to take part in a session. Please send an email to the Euroscola team for more information.