Looking for a grant to develop your project or participate in our events? Check the European Parliament selection and start planning your next European adventure!

  1. How can I apply?
    •  Become a programme contributor. If you are a pan-European civil society/youth organisation, apply to the "Call for Proposals" to receive a grant and organise activities in the EYE Village. Any other group of minimum 10 people can propose activities via the "Call for Activity Organisers". Such activities may take place inside the European Parliament buildings or in the Village. The deadline to apply was 10 November 2022.
    •  Come to the EYE as a participant by applying to the Call for a Financial Contribution. The best applications will receive financial support to attend the event. Priority is given to young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, rural and remote areas, and those with disabilities. The deadline to apply was 20 December 2022.

    •  Come to the EYE as a participant. Registrations will open on February. Find out more info on registrations on the EYE website

    Frequency: Once every two years.
    Sponsorship: Call for Activity Organisers and Call for a Financial Contribution: €60 for hotel costs, €40 for food and 4,5 cent per km travelled (back and forth) per person. Call for Proposals: see specific call for proposals. The costs for the organising team will usually be covered by the grant if costs are included in the proposed budget.
    Am I eligible:  Eligibility criteria vary according to the calls. More information can be found on the EYE website.

  2. How can I apply?

    • To be part of Euroscola you must take part in a selection process, which occurs in different EU countries at different times. If you or your group are successful you are eligible to financial support to help you attend the Euroscola event to Strasbourg.

    • The European Parliament Liaison Office (EPLO) in your country will provide you with the competition rules, as these differ between countries. If you come from a candidate member state please contact us directly.  

    Sponsorship: Pupils, accompanying teachers and accredited journalists receive the same amount per person attending a Euroscola session. Subsidies received from other sources for the group to take part in Euroscola have to be declared to the Euroscola team and may be deducted from the amount to be paid by Parliament.

    Each invited participant receives:

    - an amount for travel costs calculated based on the distance between the group’s point of departure and Strasbourg.

    - EUR 66 for hotel costs only if the group stays overnight for the purpose of participating in the event.

    - EUR 44 for food and other minor expenses.

    Am I eligible: Sponsorships can be given to groups of up to 24 students + 2 teachers per country (With an exception for students with disabilities, who may come with an accompanying person that will also be sponsored).

  3. How can I apply?
    •  On-site EYS are currently suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We will launch an online call for applications on the EP visitor website as soon as we are able to resume physical visitor activities in Brussels. Inquiries about both online and on-site EYS should be addressed to

    Frequency: 10 on-site seminars per year or 10-20 online seminars per year.
    Sponsorship: For on-site EYS: €60 lump sum for hotel costs, €40 lump sum for food, and 4,5 cent per km travelled (back and forth) per person.
    Am I eligible: Sponsorship can be granted to groups of 10-30 people. Individuals and groups of less than 10 are not eligible.


  4. How can I apply?
    •  The European Parliament publishes a call for youth grants once every two years, when civil society and youth organisations can submit communication projects for consideration. Themes and priorities are defined for each call, but they generally follow the communication priorities of the EP, such as: Conference on the future of Europe, European elections, etc.  
    The call for grants is published here -  

    Frequency: Once every two years. Special calls may be published before the European elections.
    Sponsorship: Each youth organisation estimates the total budget of the project proposed.  A percentage of it will be funded by the European Parliament. The evaluation committee, made of Parliament staff, decides whether and how much money will be granted to the applicant.  
    Am I eligible: The highest-ranking projects will be selected. Geographical balance and the balance of submission   by national/local and by pan-European organisations will be taken into consideration.

  5. How can I apply?
    In order to participate in the Charlemagne Youth Prize, you need to:
    • Have a European project with which you wish to apply;
    • Be between 16 and 30 years of age;
    • Reside in one of the EU Member States.
      Projects can be submitted by individual applicants, or on behalf of an organisation or a group of young people. The first round consists of a national selection, followed by a second round where the winning projects from each Member State compete against each other. Three finalists are then invited to the award ceremony in Aachen, where the winner is announced. Check the Charlemagne Youth Prize website for additional information.   

    Frequency: Once a year.
    Sponsorship: 1st prize: €7500. 2nd prize: €5000. 3rd prize: €2500. The three finalists will be invited to the Award Ceremony in Aachen, as well as to the European Parliament in Brussels or Strasbourg.
    Am I eligible: Any project that promotes cooperation and understanding within Europe and internationally, and which organised by persons between 16 and 30 years old and from an EU member state, is eligible for submission.


  6. * How can I apply? The European Parliament publishes a call for grants every two years. Non-profit organisations can apply and submit a proposal on how they would organise the local EYE in their city. The result of the call is the organisation over a weekend of two local EYEs by two different organisations in two different EU Member States. Cross-border projects are encouraged. 
    The call for grants is published here:

    * Frequency? Once every two years.

    * Budget and award criteria? The available budget for this call is EUR 220 000 for both projects. The maximum budget per project is expected to be EUR 110 000, but this does not preclude the submission/selection of proposals requesting other amounts. Proposals will be first checked for formal requirements (admissibility and eligibility). Proposals found admissible and eligible will be evaluated by an evaluation committee for operational capacity and award criteria and then ranked according to their quality score.

    * Am I eligible? The actions supported under this call are mono-beneficiary actions. 
    To be eligible for a grant, applicants must be able to demonstrate that they are: a non-profit making organisation; a private legal person constituted and registered as legal entity for at least three years, at the time of application; 
    a legal person based in one of the Member States of the European Union; a legal person with no political affiliation.

    Read more about the local EYEs