Are you between 16 and 30 years old? Do you want to learn more about the role of the European Parliament, meet other young people and have your say in the political debate? Connect, participate and discover a future full of youth opportunities.

Get involved in the EYE and join thousands of other young people from across Europe. Connect, get inspired and exchange your views with activists, influencers and decision makers. See you there!
Local EYEs
Local EYEs bring Europe closer to young people and the EYE experience to your hometown. Get involved in European democracy, meet other young Europeans and make your voice heard! Discover when and where the next editions are taking place.

If you are a student in a secondary or vocational school willing to learn more about the European Union, your school can apply to participate in this programme, start organising EU activities in your school and become a European Parliament Ambassador School.

Do you strive to gain work experience within one of the European Institutions? The European Parliament offers two types of traineeships: Traineeships in the Secretariat (Schuman traineeships) and Traineeships with Members of the European Parliament.

Put yourself in the shoes of an MEP through an interactive game! Learn about the European Parliament and experience how it is to represent the European citizens and turn votes into policies.

Online Youth Talks
Connect with your group from wherever you are and have all your questions about the European Parliament answered.

Virtual Role Play Game
Students can take a seat in the European Parliament and experience the decision-making process directly from their classroom or community through this online game. A facilitator's guide is available in 24 languages.

People like you are standing up to take action towards a brighter future. Whether it's by getting involved in the political process or helping promote the importance of voting, join the community. Have your say on Europe

Discover what young Europeans think about the EU

Want to go one step further and work for the European Parliament on a fixed-term contract basis? Look at the selection procedure usually organised by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO).

The European Parliament offers a wide selection of sponsorships to enable everyone to take part in our events. Check out the requirements and start planning your next European adventure with the help of the Parliament!

The European Parliament is everyone's home.If you come to Brussels, Strasbourg or Luxembourg, visit some of the most emblematic places such as the Hemicycle, the House of European History or the Parlamentarium. And there is more!

Do you want to improve your knowledge about European integration by carrying out a study visit at the European Parliament? Join one of the study visits in the in the Secretariat of the European Parliament or a Study Visit with Members of the European Parliament.

Ever heard about Erasmus+ or the European Solidarity Corps? Want to discover more youth opportunities offered by other EU institutions? Visit the Youth Portal, an initiative of the European Commission and learn more.

The Digital Journey to the European Parliament
Discover the European Parliament in 360°, meet the Members of the European Parliament for a day and have your own adventure through European history. From wherever you are. Whenever you want. Get started today!